Congratulations - You've secured the interview!
Now it is time to get prepared…

Did you know that on average, candidates typically spend just 35 minutes preparing for an interview? With the interview being your chance to make a great impression, preparation is key to success.

Before the interview…

Research the company
– There is nothing more impressive than being able to tell your interviewer about their business. Take some time to look at the company website and get an understanding of the company, their products / services, and their values.

Read back through the job description
 – Remind yourself of the skills and attributes that your potential employer is looking for and think about how your background and achievements link to these. This will help you to structure your answers to interview questions and explain why you are a great fit for the role.

Plan your route – Arriving late is not the first impression you want to make! Decide how you are going to get to the interview and plan your journey. Don’t forget to add on some extra time for any potential delays.

Questions – Think about the questions that your potential employer is likely to ask (check out our common interview questions sheet) and consider how you will answer them. Practicing with a friend or family member can help your answers to flow more naturally and improve your confidence. You should also think about the questions you’d like to ask your potential employer.

Dress to impress – You don’t get a second chance to make a first impression, so make sure you dress appropriately for your interview. After researching the company, you may have a good idea of their dress code but if you are unsure, always choose a smart interview outfit. Whilst you want to look the part, make sure you choose something that makes you feel confident and comfortable! Pick your outfit in advance and make sure your clothes are clean and ironed to save any last-minute stress.

During the interview…

Take your time
 – Nerves can sometimes get the better of you and you can end up rambling or going off on a tangent. Once your interviewer has asked you a question, take a moment to consider the question and what they are asking you. Ensure the answer you give sells your skills and experience and that you don’t miss out any important information. If your mind goes blank, it is okay to ask the interviewer to repeat the question or phrase it differently.

Maintain positive body language In the interview, maintain a good posture and make eye contact. Try not to slouch, lean back in your chair, or look around the room or out the window, this may give the interviewer the impression that you are not interested in what they are saying.

Ask questions - The interview is not only the employer’s opportunity to decide if you’d be a good fit for the role, but also, your chance to find out if the company is a good fit for you. When you are given the opportunity, ensure you ask any questions you may have. Save questions about holiday and pay for when you are offered the job!

After the interview…

Make some notes
 – By noting down some of the questions you were asked and the answers you gave, it will help you to prepare for future interviews.

Send a thank you email
After the interview, send your potential employer a message to thank them for their time and to reiterate your interest in the position. You can also use this as an opportunity to mention any details you may have forgotten during the interview. This will leave a lasting impression and help you to stand out from the crowd.


If you are not successful…

Don’t be disheartened
 - Even the best-prepared candidate won’t get a job offer from every employer they interview with.

Request interview feedback - Employers might not always offer feedback but it’s always worth asking! Feedback is incredibly valuable and can help you reflect on your performance and understand what you could do differently in future interviews.


Review your application & your CV - Take some time to look back over your CV & your application, are there any areas which you could change, improve, or enhance? Get a second opinion from a friend or family member.


Keep searching – Once you have reflected on the interview, it’s time to move on. Whilst you might not have got that role, your dream job could be just around the corner. If you’re not sure where to start, speak to the PETA recruitment team who can help you refocus your search.